Saturdays With Seedlings
Your Instructor: Kelly Franco
Kelly’s love of all things theater began in an opera chorus at age eight and continued on through high school and college. She has passed that love down to her three kids, all Rooted Tree alums, and loves to help out with singing and costuming with each production.
The Details
This workshop is for students between 4-7 years old.
What they’ll be doing: Classes are divided into three, two-week instruction periods. The first week we read the story for the show. We learn the music and choreography. In the second week your child will review the music and choreography, they’ll interact with props, maybe even create one or two, and then share with parents at the end of week two. We’ll do this for each show.
When: The workshops begin on Saturday, February 22nd Time is from 10am-11:15am and run through March 29th.
Where: The workshops will be held at 654 N. Easton Road inside St. Peter’s church.
How Much: $199